

Hi, I’m Taibat, a photographer who was trained in Switzerland. I grew up in Lausanne, Switzerland, but I’m originally from Nigeria. In 2017, I made the bold decision to move to Lisbon, Portugal, where I have built my dream enterprise, Loopitour.

My love for bikes started when I was just a child. I can’t pinpoint an exact age because it all began when I was given a child seat on the back of a dynamo bike. I can still vividly remember the noise and movement of that old-fashioned bike. My love for two wheels was born, and as a child, I promised myself that I would someday have a bike with thin wheels. I proclaimed this dream to anyone who would listen, and eventually, as a young adult, I finally found the perfect bike – the one that sparked the creation of Loopitour.

I named my beloved bike “Lupita”, and her passion for cycling and photography intertwined perfectly. I have always loved photography too, and my passion for it started when I was a child. There was something about cameras that always caught my attention. I grew up admiring the cameras in a photographer’s shop window and imagining the stories behind the photographs they had taken. When I entered the Vevey School of Photography in 2009, I had already been carrying a small Nikon CoolPix camera in my pocket for eight years.

For me, photography and cycling have always been linked. A camera in my pocket, rolling on my modern frame – it’s the perfect combination.

As a child, I always heard that if you work on your passions every day, you can make a living out of it. I took this message to heart, and I spent years trying to figure out how to combine my two passions in a way that would allow me to make a living doing what I love. In 2015, I graduated from the Vevey School of Photography, and in 2017, I made the life-changing decision to move to Lisbon.

Over the years, I trained myself to ride my bike without hands so that I could take photographs while cycling. I didn’t know why I needed this skill at the time, but it turns out it was essential for the birth of Loopitour. After spending two solitary years in an apartment near the Portuguese capital, I finally brought my dream to life. In March 2021, Loopitour was born, and just a few months later, on July 20th, 2021, we had our first tour. It was a dream come true, and I can’t wait to see where Loopitour takes me next!